Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stolen - 7/30

i have no feeling.
my tears are frozen
heart beats slow, heavy.
sitting, pondering, wondering
when will it be over?
when will this end?
incessantly being spoon-fed
your empty promises, and
pregnant lies,
i suffer.
spending energy and losing time
on useless efforts
trying to gain an understanding
on some common ground.
yet, only to lose my footing.
with each step forward you push me back
to the starting line
and away from you.
i once hoped for our starts to last forever
i once dreamed of never ending ends
i once yearned for our spirits constantly singing songs
but now this dance has been interrupted
halted, paused.
will this union be complete
or will your fear once again steal my rightful place and take its seat?
will you build more walls to keep me captured
knowing your lead is toward destruction?
or will you answer to the truth that knocks
pulls at heart strings?
Your answer is no for you fail to believe in us after all that's been done.

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